Applications are created under Workspaces and this is where your actual data resides. Fusionmint Applications come in two flavours, Standard and Custom apps. Standard apps. that are pre-made by Fusionmint come with advance features for different business solutions such as Sales and Marketing CRM, Project Management and more. Custom apps. are the ones that you can create yourself suitable to your business needs. So you can either choose from the applications available in Fusionmint or you can create your own apps based on your requirement.

To create the Application select the workspace first for which you want to create the Application and click on the Application button (as in the second image).

Type in the name and description of the application and click Save button. The Application is now created.

You reach the following page when the application gets created.

For installing the apps to Workspace:

To choose from the available apps, click on the icon from the left bottom (as highlighted) known as App Store. Selecting App Store gives you a list of Applications to install from.

Select the app that you require from the available apps and click Install. Select the Organization and the Workspace from the drop down in which you want to install the app and click Install, the app will get installed in the selected Workspace.

The Applications are now installed in the Workspace. You can add and create more apps in the same way.

Go to the Next Article: Adding fields to Applications