When an Organization is created, the first thing to start with is adding members. To invite members to the Organization, the email addresses of those members should be known, as they will be notified for the invitation through email. For adding Members to Organization, follow the steps below:
1. Select Members (as highlighted) from the Organization view.
2. Click on Add/Invite User button present on the left. (The Organization administrator/s will be in the member list by default).
3.Fill out the full information (including email address, first name, last name where email address is a mandatory field) and send invitation to the users by clicking on the Invite button. You can add minimum 1 and maximum 5 users in a go.
4. The user will get added to the Organization and will be displayed in the user list as shown in the Image below. To add more Users to the Organization repeat steps 2 & 3.