When you create an Application you do not have any field in that. Fusionmint provides you a wide set of fields to select from and to create your own customized apps. The Applications which are Installed from the App Store can also be customized as per the requirement that is more fields can be added to the Installed apps but the fields already present in the app template cannot be deleted. Here is the detailed description about the Fields :
Text |
Fusionmint |
Text field lets the user to input text in the app.The Text field should only be used to type in small amount of text. |
Rich Text (HTML) |
Rich text allows you to format the text. It supports text formatting such as Bold, Italics and underlining, as well as different fonts, font sizes, and coloured text. |
Number |
12345678 |
Number fields can be used to add numerical values with or without decimals. |
Checkbox |
Checkbox also called as Selection box or Tick box is used to make a binary choice (True/False) between the two options available. |
Duration |
12 Days,19 Hours, 41 Mins., 28 Secs. |
Duration field stores the duration in days, hours, minutes, seconds.It can be used to show the time duration for the completion of any task. |
Date/Time |
7/6/16 12:58:27 PM |
The Date/Time field is used to set dates on your app and can be used as start and end date/time for the tasks, project deadlines, meetings etc. |
Money |
$ 25000 |
Money field is used to record the monetary values in the app. Different currencies can be selected from the drop down menu present on the right. |
Status |
Status field is used when there can be multiple values for a single field. For ex. Suppose we have priority field which can have different values like Low, Medium, High. Using this field you are allowing the user to select one value out of many available. |
Address |
Address field is used to store the Addresses to your app. |
Link |
http://help.fusionmint.com |
Link is used for adding links to your app. A Link is reference point to another document, webpage, video etc. When you click on the link, it takes you to the linked page, document etc from the page you are currently present. |
Image |
Picture field is used to attach/upload pictures to your app. |
Video |
This Field lets you embed the videos on your app. |
Reference |
Reference field lets you create links between different apps. |
Email |
mark@outlook.com |
Email field is used to store the email addresses. |
Phone |
+44 7786963456 |
Phone fields are used to store the Phone Numbers. |
User |
This field is used to tag the members of Workspace and Organization. |
Check List |
It is a simple checklist custom field which can be used against the points to be consider in an app. |
Progress |
25 % |
The Progress field is used to track the progress of the Task. The progress bar can be moved to show the percentage progress. |
The fields that you select for the Application can be configured as per the configuration options available. There are some common configuration points in every field and they are:
a) Help: In the help section you type in the details of the field that helps users to fill in the field easily.
b) Description: In this section you type in the description of the field. This is for internal use only and will be visible only to the admins.
c) Required: The required field is a checkbox, if ticked makes the field mandatory.
1. TEXT :Text field lets the user to input custom text in the app. The text fields consist of the common configurations and two more configurations which is "Maximum Length" and "Multiline". The Maximum Length property is used to decide the maximum number of characters in the text field and the Multiline property lets you to write something descriptive in multiple lines. By default the Text field is Single-lined. As depicted below the maximum length is entered as "10" so only 10 characters will be allowed in the field. If you type in more than 10 characters in the app, the following error message saying "Maximum number of characters allowed is 10 " will prompt. You can decide the length of the text field as per the requirement in the app.
3. DATE/TIME: The Date/Time field is used to store dates to your app. The Date/Time format used is MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss PM. Along with the common configurations Date/Time field has got the 3 more configurations and they are:
a) Default to Today's Date/Time: This feature is managed using a checkbox. If the checkbox is checked, it will set the date of the Date/Time field to today's Date/Time.
b) Date Only: Date Only feature will only include date in the Date/Time field excluding the Time. For Ex. 7/11/16 (which excludes time)
c) Date Range: Date Range features lets you include both the start and the end Date/Time.
4. MONEY: To hold the monetary values, the money field is used. Money field has got two more features apart from the common ones,They are:
a) Currency: The currency feature is to add the currency type to the field. The table shows the list of currencies that we support.
b) Multiple: If the Multiple checkbox is checked, it gives you option to select from the 20 currencies supported in the app. If unchecked, then only the selected currency will be shown (the list of the currencies will not be listed if the multiple checkbox is left unchecked).
5. STATUS : Status field allows you to have some predefined values so that out of those one can be selected. You define those values using the Add Value configuration feature. List field makes it possible to select one or multiple values. List field configuration includes common features and two more features which is:
1. Add Value - This feature is used to add values to the field.
2. Multiple - This feature is to enable multi select value feature. If not selected, will allow user to select only one value from the values available.
To configure and add a list field follow the steps below:
6. ADDRESS : This field is used to store address. Type in the address and you will get suggestions in the drop down menu, select the one which matches your address. If not listed in the drop down menu, you can manually type in the address and click on Save to save the address. Address fields includes the common configuration features.
7. USER : User field is used to tag members from Workspaces and Organization and the configuration includes the common features and a feature to add Multiple assignee. If the Multiple checkbox is unchecked then only one user can be added and being checked gives you option to add more than one user.
8. NUMBER : This field is used where you need to have numerical values. The Configuration includes the common features and a feature to show the values with or without decimals. If you want the numerical value with decimal then from the Precision drop down select the number of decimals you want to include in the value (the value can be up to 4 places of decimal). If you do not want decimal value leave precision as 0 (Zero).
9. CHECKBOX : Checkbox is a Tick Box which is used to make a binary choice i.e. either the checkbox will be checked or unchecked, being checked enables the feature and being unchecked would disable it. The checkbox has got common configuration features.Here is how you can add checkbox field to your app.
10. DURATION : Duration field is used to store the data which is based on time. Duration shows the time taken by a particular task, project etc to get completed. Duration is displayed in days, hours, minutes and seconds. The Duration configuration feature consist of the common features which are Help, Description, and Required.
11. LINKS : Links are used to add external links to your app. When you click on the link, it takes you to the linked page, document etc from the page you are currently present. Link is a type of reference, but it should not be confused with the Reference field as it serves a different purpose. The Link field has got common configuration features. Below is how you can add links to your app.
12. EMAIL : Email field is used to store emails addresses in your app. While configuring Email field, check marking the multiple checkbox enables adding multiple email addresses in the app. Multiple email addresses can be added for Personal, Work and Other email Addresses. If the Multiple checkbox is left unchecked, only single value of email can be added. By default multiple checkbox remains unchecked. Below is the example for how you add email field to your app.
13. PHONE : Phone field is used to store the phone numbers in the app. While adding Phone field to the app it gives you option to select phone field to hold multiple phone numbers by check marking the multiple checkbox. Multiple phone numbers can be added for Home, Work, Primary and Other email Addresses. If the Multiple checkbox is left unchecked, only single phone number can be added. The phone fields has got the common field configuration option to enable multiple checkbox and validation on the field. If the validation field is checked the number should be entered in the format (+)(country code)(subscriber number with area code)/ (mobile number). For Example + 44 7687986575 (for mobile). In case the validation is unchecked, the numbers can be entered in any format.
14. PROGRESS : The progress field is used to show the progress of the a project or task etc. or can be used where you need to show the progress. The progress field is a bar that can be moved as the project or a task makes progress. The progress is shown in percentage and and can be configured for minimum and maximum values. The progress field has the common configuration features and the below is how you can configure the Progress field.