After adding fields to the Application, the next step is to control the access of the fields in an App. At the Workspace level we have controlled the access of the Domain members on the actions they can perform on a Application (Whether they can create, edit, delete etc). But over here at the Application level we can configure the access of the Application Fields (Fields in an Application) for the Domains that can access the Application.

To Configure the Field Access, follow the steps depicted:

1. Select Application from the Workspace view and then click on Field Access.

2. Domains having access to the Application will get listed with the fields of the Application on the right.

3. The Field of the Application has got two checkboxes one is to allow the create feature and the other is to allow edit.

4. Check mark the boxes for allowing the access of create and edit for the Application Fields. Click Save to save the settings.

Go to the Next Article: Layout of the Application Fields