All the tasks assigned to the user gets displayed in the highlighted section of the user account. All the assigned tasks which are In-progress, completed or pending are all listed under this section. To view all those tasks, click on the icon highlighted in the image below.
Column wise description of the tasks view :
The Image below shows tasks listing and description of each column in tasks view is given below.
1. Overdue:
The first column shows an exclamation mark if the task is overdue i.e. has crossed the due date.
2. Edit:
The second column has got a pencil icon, clicking on which opens the tasks for editing. Task Editing is only available for the task created by the user, the task assigned to the user by someone else cannot be edited.
3. View & Status:
The third column is to show the detail and the status of the tasks, clicking on the " i " icon gives detailed information about the tasks and the other icons are for marking the tasks as Assigned, In Progress, Complete and Incomplete.
4. Start:
Start column shows the start date of the task.
5. Due Date:
Due column shows the date on which the task is due.
6. Completed Date:
Completed column shows the date on which the task is Completed.
7. Context:
This column shows the name of the Organization, Workspace or Application to which the task belongs to and clicking on those names lets you go to that particular Organization, Workspace or Application.
8. Description:
This column shows the description of the task.
Viewing Tasks :
There can be several tasks assigned to the user and out of those finding the ones who have their due date near and the tasks which are completed is difficult. To make search of those tasks easier, multiple view options are available in this section which lets the user view the tasks on the basis of tasks due today, this week, next week, this month, overdue tasks, all pending tasks and all completed tasks. Depending on what type of task you want to see you can select that particular view from the drop down.
The tasks can be edited by the task creator only and those tasks will have pencil icon available on it which allows editing. The tasks which are assigned to the user by someone else, will have no editing option available.
Filtering Tasks :
Tasks can be filtered on the basis of the Name of the Tasks, Status, Start Date, Due Date, Completed Date and Description. Dates can be filtered over date range as well for Start Date, Due Date and Completed Date so that all the tasks ranging between those dates will get listed. While choosing the range it should be kept in mind that the range start and end dates are inclusive. Enter the dates using the calendars present on the filters and to remove the characters from the search bar, press Esc key from the keyboard.