An item can be opened in view mode or in edit mode and to view a particular item, click on the " i " icon and to edit a particular item click on the pencil icon. When an item is opened in view mode apart from just item details some other features are also available such as attaching files, tags, comments etc and such features goes unavailable when you open the item on quick edit mode using pencil icon.
Sometimes bulk editing of several hundred to thousand of items is required in an application and to do bulk editing of the items follow the steps below :
1. Use field filters to filter the items out of all those are required to be edited (if all the tasks are to be edited then filtering of items is not required).
2. Select the pencil icon of the first item listed and the item will get open for editing.
3. Edit the item, click Save and move to the next item to be edited using the Forward navigation. One can move to the previous item any time by using the Previous navigation.