Using domains one can control sharing of folders and can limit the actions that can be performed by users on files and folders. Using any of the four domains, create and view access can be controlled for the members added in the domain. Follow the steps to setup access control:


1. Go to your workspace and select Access Control tab from the top.
2. Select Domain or create domain of your requirement (This example takes member domain for controlling access)
3. Select Application tab of the corresponding domain and then select Dropbox app. Check mark the checkboxes for the type of access (create, view or both) you want to give to the domain members and click on Save Domain button.


4. Select User & Roles tab and click on Add Members button to add members as roles or as individuals.


Referenced Dropbox

When Dropbox is referenced in some other application, field setup is required. Follow the steps to setup the referenced field that is Dropbox.

1. As in the image below, In the field setup the referenced app should have Dropbox in it.
2. In Item folder name, choose text or number from the adjacent drop down and add prefix and suffix to the item folder name to make the item folder name unique. (Only text and number fields of the application can be used to create the Item folder name)
3. Click on "Add Folder" to create folders/ subfolders and structure the folder and subfolders as per your requirement. Click Save to save the configurations. 

Only the members added to the domain will be able to see what have been shared by the admin from Dropbox.

Things to remember :

1. The folders/ Sub folders can be renamed and moved to other folders anytime but this is not recommended.
2. The names used for the folders should be unique. An item folder name can be created only using the text and number fields but prefixes  suffixes can be used to make the name unique.
3. Any changes made in the folder name will not be applied to the existing items but will be applied to the new items created.

Go to the next article:   Accessing the shared folders