Email Automation:

Email automation is sending emails automatically to the customer in a specific date, event or customer activity and plays a very important role in enhancing your sales. Auto responder email are ones that you write once and set up those emails to be sent in a particular time interval.

When the auto responder emails are placed correctly, it results in increasing the business growth. There can be several hundreds of emails you can create, draft and schedule and those to be send for a particular action customer performs. For Example: A welcome message should be sent to the customer when they sign up for the first time or in case you are running an E-commerce website and want to send emails for completing purchase in case abandoned cart. 

Sending emails is a great way to nurture your leads and if those emails are placed properly it does wonders in growing your business but the question is when to use email automation, here is some more frequent email automation usage:

1. When a customers signs up for your product or services.

2. Email Series for giving introduction of your product or services and how they can make use of your product and services. This can be sent daily, weekly or monthly.

3. Emails on birthday, anniversary  or discount coupons on your products and services to keep the customer engaged.

4. Follow up emails on abandoned cart, after purchase etc.

5. Emails as per the customer activity on your website.

Here is how to plan auto responders email:

1. Decide at what all points you would require to send autoresponder emails. 

2. Write those template emails and save them as draft and publish those emails when required.

3. Decide the time interval between the emails to be sent. In case you are using filters, emails will be sent automatically with any update in the item as per the filters set and triggers used.

4. Test all the emails before sending.

To automate your emails using Fusionmint, click here.

Sales & Marketing Workflow Example:

1. Customer Follow up Email automation:  When a lead is being captured by showing interest (downloading your content, visiting your website etc). but does not do any further communication for the next some days a follow up email should be sent automatically to nurture those cold leads. Here is how you can do it in Fusionmint.

1. Select the target application such as contact (which holds the contact details of the leads).

2. From filter select date field on the basis of which you want the no communication time to be tracked.

3. Select the filter condition for after what time duration you want the email to be sent. For Example: n days, n weeks, n months etc can be selected. If you want to send email after 10 days, fill in 10 for filter condition n days.

Selecting target App and field filters:

Selecting Filter conditions:

Selecting Filter value:

4. Type in the appropriate values in "To", "Cc","Bcc","Subject" and "Message" for to whom you want to send these emails and what message you want to send to these contacts. The drop down present next to "To", "Cc","Bcc","Subject" and "Message" lets you select the data that you have stored in the app items, so you will not have to type in everything manually.

5. Select the trigger " Wait and monitor app items for specific values" from the trigger setting. 

6. When the number of days that you have set in filter are completed for a contact, an email is being sent.

Go to the next article:  Email Campaign