Email Campaign is also known as email marketing campaign as it aims to achieve marketing objective by sending a coordinated set of emails to potential or existing customers in a particular time interval. Using email campaigning feature of Fusionmint emails can be sent to the leads and the existing customers to build relationship and make them purchase, subscribe, download etc from your channel. The email sent using email campaign should be crafted in a way that it attracts the target audience. Below is how you can set up email campaign in Fusionmint:
1. Go to your workspace and select "Workflow" tab.
2. Click on the "+ New" from top right and select Email Campaign.
3. A Window will pop up asking you to enter the workflow name and description. Enter the name and description and click on "Save Workflow" button.
4. Clicking on save workflow button will bring you to a page where you will set up email campaign.
5. Select the Application from the drop down for which you want to run the email campaigns.
6. Select the filters on the basis of which emails will be sent to contact or company. One can use "And" filter or "And" & "Or" filters together as per the requirement. Filters are the criteria which defines that to whom these emails to be sent, the eligible (filter passing) customers will be sent emails.
7. Select or type in the "From Name", "To" and " Subject" fields.
9. Type in the email content in the message box. Text formatting and many other options are available for writing the content in the message box.
10. Click on "Save" button to save the workflow as draft. It is recommended to test the created workflow before publishing it. Test the workflow using the "Test" button and if the test executes successfully you are ready to publish the workflow by clicking on the "Publish" button.
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