Fusionmint provides you advanced configuration option to control the behaviour of the app. Features like adding files, comments, tasks to the Application are available. These features can be enabled and disabled by going to the Configuration tab present in the Application view. The Advanced features are enabled by default. Here is how you can configure the advanced features of the Application.
1. Select the Application from the Workspace view and click on Configuration.
2. The advance features have got checkboxes on them, which are all checked by default (all the features are enabled by default).
3. To Disable the features uncheck the corresponding checkboxes. Click Save to save the changes.
Fusionmint offers you to generate auto numbering for tracking and sorting the records easily. Auto numbering is helpful when there is a lot of data, Sorting of such data will be easy if the records have unique numbers or Id. Auto Numbering is not a mandatory feature but can be used to manage the records properly. To start with Auto - Numbering feature, choose prefix, suffix and padding between the two. Padding is to choose the numbers count between the prefix and suffix and padding auto numbering sequence starts with 12345 and a maximum value in padding can be 20. For Example: if you choose to have padding = 10, the padding sequence will be 0000012345. Click Save after choosing the auto numbering. A unique number will be added to the each of your record.
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