There can be several hundred to thousand records in an app and finding the relevant information out of such a large amount of data is cumbersome. For searching the data in the several records that you have in your applications, the Table and the Column view search does a major job as it makes easier for you to search the data just by typing in the relevant characters in the search box. Below is described that how you can make use of these table and column search to make record searching a easier job.

Table SearchTable search lets you search from the entire list of records that you have in an Application. Typing in anything relevant about the record in the Table search box brings the actual record for you. To clear the search bar press Esc key from the keyboard.


Column SearchIn general there are many fields in an app and to do a search at field level, Column search is used. In the image below, we have a contact Application which has got many fields like First Name, Last Name and many more. For each field of the app there is search option available at the top in the column. Almost every field has got a search option available. To do a column search, go to the search box of the field for which you want to search and type in the relevant characters. To remove the typed in characters in the search box, press Esc from the keyboard.

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