All the fields to which you have access will be visible in the application's table view by default (Default view). But the visibility of the field, their order and the sorting of the fields can be controlled by customizing the view. The button present on the right of the page (as in the image below) is used for controlling the table view and clicking on it gives you option to create view, manage view and to select the views that the user have created. The image below shows that when there is no customized view present the fields will be visible as per the default view.The icons present on each of the items is for the purpose of viewing and editing the items, the " i " icon is for viewing the item and the pencil icon is for editing.
- Unique Id
- Created On
- Created By
- Updated On
- Updated By
Customization of the application fields for table view can be done using 4 properties and they are:
1. Order:
Order property is for ordering the fields and can be controlled using the four arrows present. The first arrow is for moving the field to the top of all the fields whereas the last arrow moves the field to the bottom. The second arrow is for moving the field one step up and the third arrow moves the field one step below.
2. Show:
This property hides and unhides the field from the table view. Checking the show checkbox makes the field visible in the table whereas leaving the box unchecked, hides the field completely from the table view.
3. Sort:
Sort property sorts the fields in ascending (A to Z, 0 to 9) and descending (Z to A, 9 to 0) order. If you select sort as ascending the fields will get list in the ascending order and selecting descending order list the fields in the descending order.
4. Freeze:
Freezing a field allows you to keep the field in the same place as the rest of the items scrolls. Only one field at a time can be selected for freeze property.
To create a Custom View follow the steps below:
4. After making changes, Click Save. Changes to the view are now saved.